Print Canada Store

Leveraging integrations for wholesale operational efficiency while improving overall digital customer experience.

Project highlights

customer experience
and user flow
Highly customizable
product capabilities
Accounting integration
for back office 

Print Canada case study


Wholesale businesses require bespoke solutions for their digital needs, now and for the future.

Organizations in the wholesale sector have unique operational and business needs. Digital solutions built to meet those benchmarks often include:

  • APIs and integrations for streamlining the wholesale distribution ecosystem.
  • Ecommerce platforms that provide the robust and intricate capabilities to market their products to their customers.
  • Unique account pricing, purchasing terms, shipping arrangements and billing options.
  • Options for creating direct-to-consumer systems and online marketplace integrations for more revenue streams.

Our work with Print Canada Store showcases the power of digital wholesale; focusing on building a customer experience that sells highly customizable products in bulk and implementing integrations that increase operational efficiency and scalable growth solutions.

Print Canada case study


Since 2008, Print Canada Store has provided personalized products for personal occasions and corporate functions. Their business focuses on providing these items in bulk quantities, offering custom options and product variations for the buyer to choose from.


A scalable, user-friendly ecommerce platform for highly customized products.

Print Canada came to Acro Commerce with a couple of objectives.

Improving the digital experience and usability of their website was Print Canada’s first objective. They needed a product catalogue and commerce experience that allowed for highly configurable product options but wasn’t clunky.

The platform needed the full gamut of commerce platform capabilities: robust product catalogue, shopping cart and checkout functions, payment gateway integration, customer account management, shipping and back-end integrations to support the warehouse team.

Further to the site refresh, Print Canada also needed to integrate their accounting system with the platform. This would eliminate manual processes from their operational workflow and build efficiency into their day-to-day operations.


Multiple-use case solutions for complex product offerings.

Developed in an Agile fashion, the site was designed and built iteratively. It started with a framework approach and progressed to creative design, configuring base modules for functionality, and finally adding new customizations.

Integrations added to the platform to improve user and operational function:

  • FedEx, UPS and Canada Post integrations — Automatically generate shipping labels, calculator shipping cost based on pre-set variables in the product set up. We also created the functionality to allow for international shipping in the future.
  • CDN — This module allows Drupal to integrate with any Content Delivery Network service. Print Canada Store wanted to use a CDN to reduce requests to their server and allow images to be served up faster for their users, both of which result in faster page load times.
  • Commerce Custom Product — Adds features to support the creation of customizable products. Print Canada Store needed to allow products to include custom text input from the customer as part of a product’s attributes. This module allowed us to accomplish that.
  • Commerce Invoice Receipt — Allowed Print Canada Store to include an HTML/CSS styled invoice for customers who completed a purchase.
  • Commerce Product Option — Lets users define one or more field(s) as an option set to a product. Adding this function meant the client wouldn’t have to create a variant for every single possible combination of product attributes. Having too many possible combinations would have caused page load delays, diminishing the user experience.
  • Commerce Price Table — Allowed Print Canada Store to set different price points for products based on the customer's quantity.
  • Mailchimp — When a user chooses to sign up for PRint Canada Store’s newsletter, this module allows the site to send that user’s information to MailChimp to be added to the newsletter’s subscriber list.

QuickBooks integration for streamlined accounting functions.

After these amazing add-ons were built into their platform, Print Canada was eager to get all this electronic data over to their accounting system as effectively as possible. Enter Acro Commerce and the QuickBooks integration:

  • QuickBooks WebConnector — This integration allows Print Canada’s Drupal site to exchange data with QuickBooks, their accounting system of choice, eliminating hours and hours of data entry.


An ecommerce site that improved functionality for highly customizable, bulk products and an integration that streamlined accounting operations.

A clean, simple design, Print Canada’s new website houses tens of thousands of products, easily tailored to your special occasion.

Within the first two weeks of the new site launching, Print Canada saw a 117% increase in visitors, 30% fewer bounces and an 834% increase in page views.

The new site is the result of thinking big, but starting small to ensure revenues are firmly on track for the year.

Project features

Over 10,000 products
117% visitor increase
30% bounce rate decrease
834% page view increase

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